May 29, 2008

Novio oh Novio...

It's been a countless time that Novio, I mean the Netherland's national public transportation (Novio, Conexxion, Hermes, etc.), are on the strike to fight for arise in salary :D

Hmm... sounds familiar, I might say ... ;)

Though in Indonesia we have lots of strikes to fight for almost everything, but nothing like what we have here in Holland. The strikes (stakingacties in Netherlands) is not about gathering up people and yelling, shouting, and even destructing things, but the strikes go in the way that all the buses go free before 9am and after 4pm, and they stop working in the hours between. This, of course, leave us with only two option to travel; either by walk or with bicycle. What an impact we have here!!!

Instead of doing rebellious things, I think this action is much more impacting, I can say. Though there's still no result whether or not they will get arise on their income, yet I know they will win this case. Because imagine how much money the company lost, realizing that all the bus drivers give free ride to people during busy hours and even stop working during the day. No management can stand to loose their money!!

By looking at what happen here, I come to realize that no country in this world lives free from strikes or any other protest actions. However, what makes a country different from another is the way they do the strikes, and the way the government handle such matter.

Well.... go Novioooo!!!!!!