Yesterday at church, our Pastor shared something which terribly shocked us. It's about the Russian scientists who attempted to drill to the core of the earth in Siberia and produced some unexpected results. They recorded what seems to be people screaming when they dropped a specialized microphone designed to record the sounds of moving tectonic plates. It actually happened some years ago. and has been published and announced through any newspapers and/or radios in the States, Europe, and some other places.
The recording itself created a pros and cons. Some Christian people believe it and mostly secular people don't.
My pastor said, that Hadesh does exist. Hadesh is the place of dead people, before they are determined whether to go to heaven or hell. The fact that hadesh does exist, is written on the Bible, in Numbers 16:33.
To believe this or not, it really does depend on you!
I just want to share this, as I believe that Hadesh does exist.
Below is the video contains the recording of the Siberian drilling.